Sunday, January 30, 2011


Well, today was a Mommy and Daddy day sadly... all work and homework and not a whole lot of play :(  Mommy believes the most exciting part of the day was bath time.  Even the fuzzy butts, Mr. Murff and Mr. Arlo, got a bath today.  However, Bodhi you did expand your vocabulary from Quack Quack, Grrrr (dog), Murrr (Murffee), Awlo (Arlo), Maaaaw (for cat or Meow), Momma, Da-Da, Poppa, and you started saying Mamaw, which is very exciting.  I think you were so bored with your Mommy and Daddy, you wanted your Grandmoo to come over and play with you so you started walking around the house saying "Mamaw, Mamaw, Mamaw".  I don't know where you picked up "Mamaw" though?  Well, Grandmoo aka Mamaw came over and played with you while Mommy cleaned the bathroom from the doggy bathing mess and got the tub all ready for you.  Bodhi you even called Grandmoo Mamaw when she arrived.  Usually when you say something new, it takes you a while before you will say it in front of others.  Oh and while playing with Daddy in your room this morning, you managed to trip over your toys and fell head first into your armoire.  You have a horrible new bruise on your forehead :(.   Jude, cereal has made you very sleepy.  You fell asleep with every bottle you had today.  Since, you are not taking plain cereal very well, Mommy has been putting a little in your bottles.  Also, as long as your Mommy is in your sight, you are all smiles Jude :) and that makes Mommy happy! 

Bodhi in her blue bath :)

Bodhi making a funny face :) you have the darnedest facial expressions!

Bodhi you discovered suction during bath time tonight

Jude enjoying his bath time 

Sweet Buddha ;) 

Jude laughing it up!

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.