Today, Jude got to spend some time out of the house with Mommy. We visited Daddy and big sister Kelly at their work while Bodhi napped. No, fuzzy butt Mr. Murff and Mr. Arlo did not babysit for Bodhi, Grandmoo came over until we returned. Jude, you love to meet new people, you are such a social lil' piggy! You even got to see your Mommy and Daddy's good friend, Aunt Susan ;) Bodhi's highlight of the day was her bath time, that is until her Grandmoo called . We skipped baths yesterday, so you were more than anxious to get in the tub tonight! Afterwards, you got to go to Grandmoo's and play... such a wonderful treat!
Jude dressed in his new coat that Grandmoo bought for him
Snazzy Buddha
Jude ready to go with Mommy!
Bath time with Bodhi
Bodhi loving her bath!
Yes Amanda, I loved every picture and story that went along with them. Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face and sharing your beautiful children with me. You and Michael are truly blessed. Nettie