Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Doctor's Appointment and That's All Folks

Jude, today was your big four month well-child checkup.  You were a trooper!  Two shots to the thighs, 95% for weight (18.6 pounds), 80% for head circumference (17.25), and 75% for height (25.75)... you are definitely going to be a big boy.  The doctor says a minimum of 6 ft. tall :)  You are a bit of a chunk, bottom heavy like your Momma... but your personality and bright baby blues make up for it! You weigh four pounds more than your sister did at this age, but only 1/2 inch taller than your sister.  You do however, have a smaller "melon" than your sister... but I believe your sister holds the record with her big ol' head.  At this point, Bodhi's "melon" was off the chart ha/ha!

Bodhi, I don't even know where to begin?  You were a hellion from the minute you woke up and you only got progressively worse as the day went on!  You absolutely did not appreciate being dragged into the doctor's office for Jude's appointment this afternoon.  Once we got back home, you were such a fuss butt beyond comprehension.  Though, you were super cute when Mommy asked, "Bodhi are you tired?"  Yessss!... you indicated with a nod of your head and your entire body, as if you were bowing.  Mommy then asked, "Bodhi, do you want to go night night?"  You again nodded with your whole body, and signed "PLEASE" over and over! 

So, needless to say... everyone crashed after the doctor's appointment, that is everyone but Mommy :) Mommy loves the peace and quiet that comes at the end of each day, and the time she gets to spend reflecting on the day with the two of you, your Daddy, and the fuzzies!

Jude's poor lil' thighs ha/ha... don't worry Jude, it was the angle Mommy took the picture!

Jude OUT after doctor appointment... even sleeping through his sister's loud tantrums!

Peaceful Buddha ;)

Momma Bodhi, toting around her baby, "Cat in the Hat!"

Bodhi about to give her cat a smooch... at least she was nice to someone today ;)-

Bodhi baby feeding her other baby.. looking down at her "Cat in the Hat," when she accidentally dropped "shim" on the floor

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.