Monday, January 31, 2011

Warm Indoors

The day started off as it always does, which is not a bad thing.  You both played until nap time and then  Grandmoo came over to sit with you guys while Mommy, along with the rest of Kokomo, made a mad dash to the grocery store to stock up for the winter storm that is suppose to move in tonight.  The only bad thing about Mommy's mad dash, it was her usual bi-weekly shopping trip, therefore we needed everything.  Needless to say, Mommy was gone until 4pm and didn't get to spend much quality time with you two today.  Daddy was at work so you didn't get any Daddy time either.  After Mommy returned home, Grandmoo said that you both didn't take very long naps, and so you both were cranky.  Bodhi, Mommy allowed you to play your Gummy Bear song over and over.  You danced and danced.  Jude you had some tummy time but you were mostly interested in watching your sister dance.  You both retired to bed early as you wished. 

 Bodhi signing over and over "One more time please!"

 Bodhi shaking it to... you guessed it, the Gummy Bear Song

Bodhi still grooving it ;)

 Juder's watching his sister move her groove thang!

 Little Jude Liam

Airplane Buddha :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Well, today was a Mommy and Daddy day sadly... all work and homework and not a whole lot of play :(  Mommy believes the most exciting part of the day was bath time.  Even the fuzzy butts, Mr. Murff and Mr. Arlo, got a bath today.  However, Bodhi you did expand your vocabulary from Quack Quack, Grrrr (dog), Murrr (Murffee), Awlo (Arlo), Maaaaw (for cat or Meow), Momma, Da-Da, Poppa, and you started saying Mamaw, which is very exciting.  I think you were so bored with your Mommy and Daddy, you wanted your Grandmoo to come over and play with you so you started walking around the house saying "Mamaw, Mamaw, Mamaw".  I don't know where you picked up "Mamaw" though?  Well, Grandmoo aka Mamaw came over and played with you while Mommy cleaned the bathroom from the doggy bathing mess and got the tub all ready for you.  Bodhi you even called Grandmoo Mamaw when she arrived.  Usually when you say something new, it takes you a while before you will say it in front of others.  Oh and while playing with Daddy in your room this morning, you managed to trip over your toys and fell head first into your armoire.  You have a horrible new bruise on your forehead :(.   Jude, cereal has made you very sleepy.  You fell asleep with every bottle you had today.  Since, you are not taking plain cereal very well, Mommy has been putting a little in your bottles.  Also, as long as your Mommy is in your sight, you are all smiles Jude :) and that makes Mommy happy! 

Bodhi in her blue bath :)

Bodhi making a funny face :) you have the darnedest facial expressions!

Bodhi you discovered suction during bath time tonight

Jude enjoying his bath time 

Sweet Buddha ;) 

Jude laughing it up!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Magical Musical Night

Today, was pretty routine and went pretty smoothley.  Mommy managed to meet up with two of her girlfriends for lunch, while Daddy put you both down for your naps :)  Afterwards, we all geared up to go see the Singing Hoosiers at Indiana University Kokomo.  Of course, we got there thirty minutes early and it lasted about an hour and a half.  Mommy and Daddy are proud to report... we made it through the entire musical, YAY!  We are so proud of you both.  Jude this was your first concert, and Bodhi, this was your fifth.   Jude you only burped once, and Bodhi you only got restless at the very end.  Jude you did manage to suck on your bottle pretty hard and loud, while making piggy sounds during a quiet solo, but no one seemed to be bothered.  Jude, you also kept stretching your neck around the person sitting in front of us so you could see the singers on stage, you were super cute!  Bodhi, you started the concert out by bobbing your head to the beat, super cute as well.  Everyone afterwards were telling Mommy and Daddy "what good babies you have."  I think they all dreaded seeing us coming, but were pleasantly surprised by the end.  It was a nice family concert. 

Bodhi getting her hair wetted down for the big concert ;)

Pretty Bodhi!

 Jude getting changed into some less slobbery clothes for the show :)

Naked Buddha ;)

Friday, January 28, 2011

What's for Breakfast?

This morning Jude, you had your first taste of cereal.  Bodhi, you were such a great little Mommy's helper.  You would take a bite right in front of Jude's face to show him how it's done.  Jude, you had a difficult time getting the cereal down at first.  The look on your face was priceless!  Bodhi, you got disgusted with your brother's food drooling down his chin and attempted to wipe his mouth with your blanket.  The look on your face Bodhi was also priceless! ;)  Afterwards, when Mommy was changing Jude's diaper, Bodhi you grabbed a wipe and wiped Jude's butt and privates... very gently I might add.  Thank goodness, or your brother would have been scarred for life. 

This afternoon, Bodhi you turned into a fuss butt again.  Jude, I think your tummy was bothering you because you were fussy for about an hour too.  Daddy came home from work around 2pm, and Jude, you and Mommy took a nap together.  It was very nice, and much needed! 

Kelly came by to see you both this evening.  Bodhi, you were in the middle of wiping your "Cat in the Hat's" butt and putting one of your diapers on "shim" when sister Kelly walked in the door.  You take such special care of your babies. 

Jude, your first bite of cereal

Jude, you're half through your first cereal experience... trying to figure out why your sister has a disgusted look on her face ;)

Bodhi helping her brother out... little did you know Bodhi, you had some cereal on your face too!

Bodhi helping Mommy get Jude dressed and cleaned up :)

 Clean Buddha ;)

Tummy Time

 Nap Time

 Bodhi wiping her "Cat in the Hat," you can't see but she actually has a wipe in her hand and a diaper ready to put on.

Bodhi still cleaning her "Cat in the Hat"

 The "Grills Curse"

Jude enjoying his toes being tickled by his Daddy

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Day at GiGi's and A Night at the Theatre

Bodhi and Jude, today you both spent the day, 8am-5pm, at GiGi's and Gi-Pa Poncho's.  Mommy spent the day cleaning and a little time working on your baby book Jude.  Bodhi, GiGi said you were an angel, ha!  She and Poncho allow you do do whatever your heart desires, so I'm sure you had no reason to fuss like you do with Mommy and Daddy.  Plus, I think you got all your fussing out yesterday ;)  Jude you took an extra long nap and refused your last bottle.  GiGi said you were wanting a boob, poor little guy!  However, like Bodhi, she said you were a happy litle angel.

When Daddy arrived home from work, we picked you both up and took you to your first play, "Incognito." Bodhi you refused to leave GiGi's and Poncho's, so we had to carry you out to the car.  The play was put on by Ivy Tech Community College, about 25 minutes away.  Grandmoo and GiGi thought Mommy and Daddy were crazy for taking you both to a play.  However, they said the same thing about concerts, and Bodhi you absolutely loved all four concerts we took you to this past summer!  There was another little boy, I'm guessing probably six years old, who accompanied someone I believed to be his mother to the play.  He only lasted about ten minutes before he had to be taken outside.  I was so very proud of you both.  Bodhi you lasted 50 minutes, of the 90 minute play, before Daddy had to take you outside.  You weren't being all that disruptive but the noises you were making were a warning that you were about to have a loud tantrum :)  Jude, you burped a total of four times... in a quiet auditorium where everyone could hear you, and did hear you!  I'll admit, I was a little embarrassed, but only because people actually turned and looked at me.  You just smiled back at everyone with your big blue eyes.  Jude, you and Mommy stayed a few minutes after Daddy and Bodhi left.  I thought you and I were going to get to see the whole play.  However, you started to grunt like you were going to poop and Mommy got real nervous because you are the loudest pooper, so Mommy took you out as well.  It was family time together nonetheless :)

Bodhi in a hurry to get to GiGi's and Gi-Pa Poncho's house

Jude waiting his turn to be loaded in the car to go to GiGi's and Poncho's

Bodhi after the play "Incognito"

Jude after the play ;)

Daddy and Jude
(Loved Buddha ;)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Doctor's Appointment and That's All Folks

Jude, today was your big four month well-child checkup.  You were a trooper!  Two shots to the thighs, 95% for weight (18.6 pounds), 80% for head circumference (17.25), and 75% for height (25.75)... you are definitely going to be a big boy.  The doctor says a minimum of 6 ft. tall :)  You are a bit of a chunk, bottom heavy like your Momma... but your personality and bright baby blues make up for it! You weigh four pounds more than your sister did at this age, but only 1/2 inch taller than your sister.  You do however, have a smaller "melon" than your sister... but I believe your sister holds the record with her big ol' head.  At this point, Bodhi's "melon" was off the chart ha/ha!

Bodhi, I don't even know where to begin?  You were a hellion from the minute you woke up and you only got progressively worse as the day went on!  You absolutely did not appreciate being dragged into the doctor's office for Jude's appointment this afternoon.  Once we got back home, you were such a fuss butt beyond comprehension.  Though, you were super cute when Mommy asked, "Bodhi are you tired?"  Yessss!... you indicated with a nod of your head and your entire body, as if you were bowing.  Mommy then asked, "Bodhi, do you want to go night night?"  You again nodded with your whole body, and signed "PLEASE" over and over! 

So, needless to say... everyone crashed after the doctor's appointment, that is everyone but Mommy :) Mommy loves the peace and quiet that comes at the end of each day, and the time she gets to spend reflecting on the day with the two of you, your Daddy, and the fuzzies!

Jude's poor lil' thighs ha/ha... don't worry Jude, it was the angle Mommy took the picture!

Jude OUT after doctor appointment... even sleeping through his sister's loud tantrums!

Peaceful Buddha ;)

Momma Bodhi, toting around her baby, "Cat in the Hat!"

Bodhi about to give her cat a smooch... at least she was nice to someone today ;)-

Bodhi baby feeding her other baby.. looking down at her "Cat in the Hat," when she accidentally dropped "shim" on the floor

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Step at a Time

Bodhi, today you sat on your big girl potty seat for the first time.  We've tried sitting you on the "pot" two other times, once went well (at Grandmoo's) and the other time, not so well.  Tonight, was just okay. You wanted Mommy to hug you while you sat there, but Mommy managed to get a few pictures of you by yourself... you had a questionable look on your face ;)  Your favorite part of the experience was getting to flush the toilet!  When Mommy was reading up on potty training tips, it was recommended that potty training not start if the child is in a negative stage... Wow, there is hope for you to be nicer hee/hee but Mommy decided to start the process with you anyway because you show all the other signs of wanting to be potty trained.  Grandmoo came over and visited with you tonight, as did Kelly. Grandmoo fed you your dessert (fruit) and played house with you.  Kelly tried to teach you how to catch a ball, with something other than your mouth, I believe one of your kitchen bowls.  Kelly also chased you around the house and played hide-and-seek.  Also, tonight was the 2nd time that bath time didn't go so well.  You cried until Mommy found a way to entertain you.  I have no explanation for you not wanting to take a bath tonight.  It's usually your favorite part of the day.

Jude, you now love to be lifted into the air.  As Mommy lifted you into the air, you slobbered  in Mommy's mouth, but you did so while laughing and smiling, which made it alright. You are so sweet when you are playing with Mommy.  When you are left in your vibrating seat or your jumper, you only entertain yourself for a short while.  Daddy says Mommy has spoiled you :)  That's okay, because Daddy spoiled Bodhi.  Jude you also continue to suck your fingers.  After nursing you to sleep tonight, I left you as you sucked your thumb :0

Mommy and Daddy, and all your family, love you two special, precious, miracle blessings beyond all words!

Big Sister Bodhi on the big girl potty seat ;)

Bodhi not real sure about the big girl potty seat

Bodhi and Kelly hiding under the dinning room table

Flying Buddha :)

"Whoa, now this is cool!"

Jude and Momma

Monday, January 24, 2011

Trouble x2 :-)

Bodhi you have turned into such a sneak :)  You'll study Mommy and Daddy and when they are distracted, you make your move.  When you're caught doing something you know you're not supposed to be doing, well, you have this funny look on your face (Mommy and Daddy try real hard not to laugh).  If you happen to have an object in your hand when you're busted, you hold it out and offer it as bribe to remain out of a time-out!  Today, you climbed on the dinning room table, where Mommy has all of Jude's baby book pictures and what not laid out (this was supposed to be motivation for me to complete it as I can't stand messes, especially out where everyone can see them) but anyway, you were sorting through it all.  You've also been climbing in Mommy's chair to gain access to Mommy's laptop.  You are trying to get the Gummy Bear song to come on.  Today, we listened to it and other catchy children's songs about a thousand times, uggh!

Jude you have mastered the art of grabbing Mommy's attention and keeping it.  You do this by screaming the most shrieking and alarming squeal followed by the most heartbreaking, lip quivering, gut cry.  You now have shown that you have the capacity to be as hot tempered as your sister.  Bless your little heart, Bodhi can be so demanding, but you will not be pushed aside anymore! 

Bodhi's Busted!

Bodhi trying to get the Gummy Bear song to play again!

Bodhi watching contently, occasionally throwing in a dance move ;)

Jude watching his Big Sis

Still Bouncing...

Gummy Buddha :)

Mommy gave you a flower after you got an ouchy

Jude watching Bodhi clean his bouncy... you always keep an eye on her ha/ha

Bodhi playing peek-a-boo with Jude ;)

About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.