You two have been upset that we have yet to go camping, and express your displeasure with the fact that Aunt Dianna's family is "going camping again!" Mommy and Daddy are trying to prepare a Tennessee trip with Great Papaw Grills...he has a place for us all set up for whenever we can make it. You both talk about "going to see Great Papaw Grills at the lake in Tennessee," all the time!!! "When are we going to go see Great Papaw in Tennessee," "how come we haven't planned a day to go to Tennessee, Mommy and Daddy?" Well, we are going to make it happen sometime in the next couple of months! Anyway, you two knew were even more excited (if even possible) to go to Grandmoo's to see Jasper. We spent a week caring for him, and this week Grandmoo is caring for Jasper while Dianna and her family spent ten whole days on vacation :)
Mommy had messed up her work schedule, and luckily Daddy came home just in time to (between work) so he was able to assist Mommy and take you two to Grandmoo's. Mommy left running, with wet hair and papers flying everywhere, but made it in time to make her appointments. Wheeew, Mommy doesn't usually mess up when it comes to scheduling work appointments, but she was a crazy mess trying to get to work (that is why Mommy is a great organizer-I wouldn't survive the stress of being disorganized).
Daddy picked you two munchkins up from Grandmoo's and you both said bye to Jasper, and pleaded to take him home with you, and then it was off to nighty night land with Daddy in slumber party form. Mommy made it home late, but cuddled the two of you two cuddle butts :)
Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!
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