Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sad, Sad, Sad Sunday

Today Daddy was up early with the two of you, we all allowed Mommy some extra sleep time, Daddy made both of you breakfast of cantaloupe and then some oatmeal. Then Daddy tried to get some work done, while the two of you watched SpongeBob.

Mommy had to work for a couple of hours this afternoon, so the three of us settled in for an afternoon nap. Mommy awakened Daddy when she got home, and our dear friend Mister (Terry) Wilson called and said he was on the way over to help Daddy diagnose a computer problem. He and Mrs. (Reta) Wilson visited for a while, then they had to get off to Sears to purchase a tool Mister Wilson was needing.

Mommy purchased a graduation card for Tony, one of our new neighbors who was graduating from high school, and she took the card and a gift over while we slept, then Tony’s mom, Sheila, brought over some sandwiches and dessert she had after the graduation party—how thoughtful!

Late in the afternoon and later in the evening, Daddy received distressing phone calls from Aunt Debbie. Daddy’s Mommy, Grandma Betty, had fallen and broken her pelvic bone and was hospitalized in Vincennes. The second call Debbie expressed that Grandma Betty was in serious-to-critical condition, and that she and Aunt Terrie and Aunt Diane would know more tomorrow. Aunt Debbie expressed a fear that she thinks Grandma Betty may worsen during her stay in the hospital, and thought Daddy should come down first opportunity. Daddy agreed to come tomorrow or no later than Tuesday.

Daddy has had a foreboding sense of sadness for days, and literally wonders if his extrasensory perception is not and has not been on high alert. Daddy is worried and cannot help but display that distracted sense of concern in his interactions with his precious babies and Mommy.

Daddy rocked each of you this evening, it was comforting just to hold each of you. You each are a special conveyance of comfort. Of course Mommy and Daddy love you both. Daddy truly adores and loves each of you beyond words, beyond measure.

Thank you, each, for the needed love, the unconditional love of a child---two beautiful children, two special blessings.

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.