Friday, June 21, 2013

Surprise, Dave Matthews Band Concert

Wow, what a day. Almost a blur. Daddy is exhausted, no less so is Mommy.
Daddy was off early for his 8:00 a.m. Friday class, then hurriedly attempted to get caught up on work, and then keep his pledge to Mommy to get home in time for her to go do her work.

The afternoon was quickly upon us, and nap time took some edge off Daddy’s edginess, further exacerbated by Daddy’s failure to realize that tonight was the scheduled Dave Matthews Band concert in Noblesville. Yikes!  Grandpa stopped by and played with the two of you outside in your pool while Mommy cared for the critters.  

Mommy made arrangements for Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron to take care of the two of you, and you both were jazzed about the prospect of having a “slumber party” with them! Sure enough, Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron came through and were there at our West Walnut castle to pick the two of you up, and Mommy and Daddy were immediately off to the concert! On the way there, Sister Kelly sent us a video-voice message from our curly haired baby girl angel asking “why can’t we go to the concert with you?” Mommy’s and Daddy’s hearts both sank, we had taken the two of you to concerts routinely! We assured both of you in a return voice-video that we would all be going together to the Bob Dylan concert in two weeksJ.

Once at the concert, Mommy and Daddy truly enjoyed “our date,” though admittedly Daddy’s back was hurting so critically bad that Daddy unsuccessfully attempted to anesthetize it with alcoholL. It was frankly the kind of thinking error Daddy would be most unyielding about from any of his children. Mommy ended up rescuing Daddy by driving home from the concertJ. While at the concert, Mommy and Daddy were able to visit a little with their friends Laura and Troy Stiner, and of course Mommy enjoyed the opportunity to hear (and seeJ) Dave Matthews! Still, both Mommy and Daddy admitted it was not the same attending a concert without the two of you!
By the time we made our way home, Sister Kelly had contacted Mommy to inform her you all would be waiting for us, that the two of you had reneged on the sleep-over propositionJ. Indeed, when we came in, you were on the downstairs couch sound asleep, insisting on “waiting up” for us, Ms. Bodhi, and your brother was in his bed sound asleep.

We thanked Brother Aaron and Sister Kelly, and Mommy and Daddy were not far behind the two of you in calling it a night. Daddy was not looking forward to work the next day, and was writhing in pain from a back which shows no sign of reliefL. And Mommy rose to the occasion and made sure we were all safe and sound asleep, before she called an end to her “surprise” Dave Matthews Band concert. There’s no place like home, and there is no substitute for family. Thank you Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron. Thank you, Mommy. Bless you, babies. Night, night all!

On our way to Dave :)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.