Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Reunited and It Feels So Good

Today, Mommy didn't bother to wake Daddy to see how he was recovering from his oral surgery.  Daddy was swollen and out of it yesterday when he finally made it home…thanks again Sister Kelly. Bodhi, you now take showers (with Mommy).  You prefer showers to baths now that you've turned four :/  You are growing up way too fast!  Mommy dropped you two off at Grandmoo’s and then headed to work (in town).  Mommy administered two parenting assessment tests, and then stopped by the Humane Society.  Mommy had a dream last night that Garfield had been brought home, but Mommy was sad to awaken and realize Garfield wasn't home L  So, Mommy stopped by, after having called them yesterday to see if he was brought in, and I really didn’t have any expectations that he would be there…HOWEVER, as soon as I walked in the back room there he was!!!  I hugged the worker, and squealed “GARRRRFIELD!” 

Garfield’s little face was banged up with scratches.  He looked like he had been through the ringer!  Mommy had them check to see what street the lady that turned Garfield in lived on.  Yep, he most definitely fell out from under Mommy’s car!  She lived on Washington Street, right where I suspected Garfield had fallen, rolled, and dodged cars L  Poor guy!  He most certainly lost one of his nine lives, but Mommy is thankful he is ok!  I’m also so thrilled that a lady took the time to turn him in, a little bit of Mommy’s faith in humanity was restored!  Mommy had a microchip implanted in Garfield and whisked him home to be reunified with his depressed and lost sister, Sundae.  Mommy called Grandmoo and gave her the great news and she shared with the two of you J  It was a happy day!  Sundae was beside herself, pouncing on her long lost brother, and Garfield appeared to be relieved to be home.  He spent one night and one day away from home in the big bad scary world.  Mommy is so thankful he was ok and back home!

Mommy then went back to work, but then made time to take Dora to get her updated Rabies Vaccine.  Mommy then took Dora and Sundae to have a microchip implanted in them as well.  After taking care of our feline family members, Mommy turned her attention to Daddy.  Mommy dreaded and grudgingly went grocery shopping to stock up on soups and other special “Daddy requests.”  After unloading and putting all of our groceries away, Mommy went to retrieve the two of you from Grandmoo.  You two had meatloaf for dinner, one of your Grandmoo favorites J  Jude, you were sporting some of Grandmoo’s shorts, and you looked hilarious!  She had to tie them and so one of your bum cheeks were hanging out, you truly looked like you were about to participate in a gay pride parade ha/ha!  Grandmoo was so embarrassed that Mommy allowed you to play out front in the shorts.  You two had played outside all day, and she did not want her neighbors to see you looking so crazy in your short shorts.  Mommy didn't care ha/ha!  Mommy took you both home.  Jude, you went to bed with Daddy.  Bodhi, you went to the store with Mommy to pick up some new kitty collars, an extension cord, and some other supplies.  We then came home and you, Bodhi, gave Garfield some extra lovin’s and cuddled with Sundae J  You then rode your bike while Mommy gave the felines some extra attention. 

Today was an awesome day!  Both of you agreed and expressed that you had a “great day with Grandmoo.”  Buddha, you tell Mommy at least 50 times a day, “Mommy, I wub you so much.”  J  What a blessed life we have! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Heartbreaking Monday

Mommy was up early to transport a local client.  Mommy started off with the normal routines...letting the dogs out, unlocking the cat house/scooping poo out of the liter box.  However, Garfield was not in the cat house. He had escaped and Mommy knew he probably freaked out when he couldn't get back inside.  Garfield and Sundae have never spent a night outside of the cat house.  Mommy instantly started yelling and looking everywhere for Garfield.  Mommy started up the car and turned it off, the car always scares Garfield and Sundae.  Mommy had to leave to pick up my client, so I only had a little bit of time to search for Garfield. Well, Mommy was half way to my client's home, when I heard a thump.  Mommy hadn't seen any animals, however, I did see a cat dodging cars behind me in my review mirror.  Mommy initially thought a cat had run into the side of Mommy's car, but then it clicked....oh no, could that have been Garfield?  

The cat looked much bigger, but was the same coloring as Garfield.  Mommy immediately turned around and drove back in search of the cat.  Mommy drove down the road yelling out the window (with my blinkers on) "GARFIELD!"  There was not a cat in sight.  Mommy then hurried to get my client and drop her off at her appointment.  Mommy then returned home to get the two of you, and we conducted a search and rescue effort.  Mommy still not certain that it was Garfield, posted an alert on FB, and continued to look everywhere for Garfield.  Unfortunately, none of our searches resulted in recovering Garfield.  Mommy called the Humane Society, but no Garfield :(

Mommy had a couple of errands to complete with my client this afternoon, and then Mommy returned home with the two of you.  You both wanted to stay with Grandmoo, but Mommy wanted to get home to continue our search.  We returned home where you two played.  Mommy made lasagna, and Sean Franky came over to play with you both.  Grandpa dropped by later in the evening, bringing you, Bodhi, a bag of presents.  Grandpa couldn't make it to your birthday party, he had to work :(  Grandpa bought you two Hello Kitty dolls, and a cool Hello Kitty night light.  You and Buddha loved the night light!  We spent the remainder of the evening outside, hoping that Garfield would find his way home.  By 9:30 p.m. we finally went inside where Mommy gave you both a bath.  Bodhi, you agreed to a bath since you were so dirty.  You are loving showers with Mommy, so Mommy had to really persuade you to take a bath this evening.  Grandpa sat in the bathroom visiting with us while you two played in the bath (our bathroom is huge) hee/hee!  

It was off to dreamland for the two of you.  Mommy attempted to comfort Sundae, who was an absolute wreck that her brother was truly broke Mommy's heart.  Mommy has never been a cat person, but they certainly have changed Mommy.  I love and care for them just as I do for Allie and Arlo :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Little Red Riding Hood

Bodhi, today you were little red riding hood, on a trip to see your Grandma Betty. As soon as Daddy got off work, he hurried home to get his traveling companion, little red riding hood Bodhi and joined by Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron we began a journey to Vincennes.

Grandma Betty tragically fell and broke her pelvic bone and is hospitalized at Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes (home of the “Alices,” that’s another story). Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron agreed to accompany us for the trip and you insisted that you wanted to go, so with kisses to Mommy and Buddha we were off.

It is a fair journey, usually about a three and a half hour ride, and you are an exceptional traveler Ms. Bodhi. You just sat and gazed out the window and on occasion chatted with the grown-ups. Near Mooresville, we stopped at Poe’s Cafeteria (disappointing) for lunch, then proceeded on our way. We again stopped in Worthington, Indiana just to break up the trip and visited a “general store” where of course you selected some candy for yourself and your brother, even in absentiaJ.

We also took a slight detour as we passed through Grandma Betty’s home town of Bicknell and visited the site of her home, a place Daddy spent a good deal of time visiting as a little boy. Back on the road, we soon were at the hospital and were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by your Aunt Diane and cousin Katie (they both adore you, Ms. Bodhi!) and Katie took you outside to play while Daddy and Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron visited with Grandma Betty. We were also joined by Aunt Terrie, shortly before we left the hospital.
It is difficult for Daddy to write about Grandma Betty, as her condition is heartbreaking to witness. Her memory is clearly impaired as she could not remember Brother Aaron’s name and kept referring to him by a different name (“Steve”—Daddy is guessing she was confusing Aaron with Terrie’s former husband).

After leaving the hospital, we all made a visit to a site where Daddy gathers rocks from Vincennes for Mommy’s rock garden at home, then we made a direct trip home to bring an end to a tiring and difficult day. Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron certainly made this trip more enjoyable, and you our darling baby girl angel, made the trip a wondrous journey.

Love, love, love.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Playing At The Park After Dark :)

Mommy has sadly really fallen behind on your guy's daily blog entries.  Like two-three weeks behind, yikes!  Mommy is now going to attempt to catch up by reviewing my schedule book :)  So, the next 14-16 entries are certain to be "brief."  

Mommy had some local parenting assessments to complete today for work, so the two of you spent time with Grandmoo.  You both love your Grandmoo time exploring, running & playing, getting into anything and everything...the usual Grandmoo routine.  

Mommy called to let Grandmoo know that I had finished early, but she wanted to keep the two of you longer.  This worked out great for Mommy...I had plenty of work to complete :)  Grandmoo walked you two to the park and then clear to our house.  You two had quite the adventure playing at the park after dark :)  You two love your Grandmoo time!

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Needy Tuesday

A;lkdjfa;ldkj!!!!!!!  Mommy is in the very bad habit of writing a week’s worth of blogs in a single night.  We’ve been so busy/so stressed/so exhausted and even more frustrating….Mommy has written this very blog 3 times now!  Each time I near the end, it somehow disappears.  I’m now writing it in a word document…because I’m about throw my laptop across the room! 

Anyway,  Aunt Dianna was a major life saver for Mommy today.  She agreed to briefly watch the two of you while I transported a client twice today.  Mommy took you guys over first thing this morning.  You two awakened fussy and whiny, and demanding of some major Mommy attention!  So needless to say, you two (even though excited to go to Dianna’s) didn’t want your Mommy to leave.  Nathan answered the door and reported that his Mommy (Dianna) was in the upstairs bathroom.  Mommy wrongly assumed she knew we were there.  Mommy gave you both kisses and hugs and left out the door.  Apparently you two went running out the door and Dianna had no clue.  Fortunately, Norah saved the day as well as your two bacons!  Norah alerted her mom that you two took off and then headed out after you guiding you back into the house, uggggh!  Lesson learned; that won’t happen again.  All is well thanks to little Norah though J Mommy arrived 20 minutes later to take you two home.  Mommy took you home and allowed you guys to play outside and then we had a lunch picnic breakfast together.  We had to lock Garfield and Sundae in the cat house because they have ZERO manners.  Both tried walking on and eating the food off of our plates…gross!!!  After breakfast & playtime, Mommy finished ordering some birthday supplies, and then we headed back to Dianna’s.

Mommy made sure Dianna knew you two were there.  Dianna had to hold you Jude…you were screaming for Momma L  Mommy is confident in Dianna’s ability to manage both of your meltdowns, or I wouldn’t have left.  Mommy returned 20 minutes later again only to report that Mommy’s client was missing (this happens more frequently than one would expect).  Mommy packed the two of you in the car only to receive a call from my client.  Mommy had grudgingly take you two back inside (with boo’s and hissing), and returned a half hour later.  We again headed home.  We again had a picnic outdoors.  Mommy put you both down for a nap.  You both resisted but managed to get a short nap in before going to Grandmoo’s for the evening.  You both did not want to wake up, ugggh!  It was such a chore to get you two up and dressed again.  Mommy dropped you at Grandmoo’s and then conducted a parenting assessment.  Mommy finished early and called to let Grandmoo know.  She insisted on keeping you guys for a few more hours.  Mommy took the time to finish up some work and then Daddy picked you both up on his way home from work. 

We then reunited, having a slumber party in Daddy’s office together.  Sweet sweet dreams baby butts!  Today you two just needed your Momma.  Sorry, I had to work...even if it was only for a few hours.  Mommy made up for it this evening J

Monday, July 22, 2013

Oh Monday Monday

This morning Mommy was up extra early to take a local client (yay!) to some appointments before heading to gymnastics with you little Bodhi girl!  Mommy returned in time to get you and your brother to the gym and then Brother and I watched in our usual amazement.  One thing we've noticed ha/ha, you are a dedicated little trooper but when you are laying flat on your back, you have a heck of a time sitting up with your big ol' apple head, and under-formed core :)  You are a stinkin' doll though.

After gymnastics we headed home.  We visited with our Neighbor, Ms. Susan, and played in the yard for a little while, before we were off to Jude's doctor's appointment, a six month check for his tubes in his ears.  Buddha, you weighed in a whopping 37 pounds, and Bodhi, you couldn't resist getting weighed either.  You weighed in at 45 pounds :)  Despite you always picking and complaining about your ears (which I partly think is a new way for you to get extra attention) your ears are reportedly perfect.  Your hearing was perfect as well. After an hour at the doctor's office (in which you both were awesome and little angels), Mommy dropped you two off at GiGi's so that I could transport my client once again. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a half hour adventure, turned into an hour and a half adventure.  Luckily for Mommy and the two of you, GiGi and Gi-Pa didn't mind one bit :)

After returning home, Mommy and you babes took a little nap.  Before we knew it, it was evening and we still hadn't eaten dinner.  Mommy needed to get your birthday party supplies ordered (we are super busy these next couples of weeks) and Mommy is running short on time.  Plus, we'll being headed to Tennessee a couple of days after your birthday Bo :) Anyway, you two played in the McDonalds play area while Mommy created invitations and party supplies on the computer.  We then headed home about 10:30 p.m.  Yes!  Well PAST your bedtimes.  Jude, you didn't really nap today, you just basically had some quiet time.  So, by the time we made it home, you were in major meltdown mode!  Poor little sucker!  Momma's sorry to keep you up so late.  You and your sister were enjoying the company of four little Tennessee children, that were wayyyyy country :)  You two had a blast, and even talked Momma into buying you two and your four new friends an ice cream cone...they were super glad they friended you two ha/ha!

Sweet dream my little chicken butts!  Momma and Da Da love you to the moon and back, over the rainbow, infinity ha/ha!  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sad, Sad, Sad Sunday

Today Daddy was up early with the two of you, we all allowed Mommy some extra sleep time, Daddy made both of you breakfast of cantaloupe and then some oatmeal. Then Daddy tried to get some work done, while the two of you watched SpongeBob.

Mommy had to work for a couple of hours this afternoon, so the three of us settled in for an afternoon nap. Mommy awakened Daddy when she got home, and our dear friend Mister (Terry) Wilson called and said he was on the way over to help Daddy diagnose a computer problem. He and Mrs. (Reta) Wilson visited for a while, then they had to get off to Sears to purchase a tool Mister Wilson was needing.

Mommy purchased a graduation card for Tony, one of our new neighbors who was graduating from high school, and she took the card and a gift over while we slept, then Tony’s mom, Sheila, brought over some sandwiches and dessert she had after the graduation party—how thoughtful!

Late in the afternoon and later in the evening, Daddy received distressing phone calls from Aunt Debbie. Daddy’s Mommy, Grandma Betty, had fallen and broken her pelvic bone and was hospitalized in Vincennes. The second call Debbie expressed that Grandma Betty was in serious-to-critical condition, and that she and Aunt Terrie and Aunt Diane would know more tomorrow. Aunt Debbie expressed a fear that she thinks Grandma Betty may worsen during her stay in the hospital, and thought Daddy should come down first opportunity. Daddy agreed to come tomorrow or no later than Tuesday.

Daddy has had a foreboding sense of sadness for days, and literally wonders if his extrasensory perception is not and has not been on high alert. Daddy is worried and cannot help but display that distracted sense of concern in his interactions with his precious babies and Mommy.

Daddy rocked each of you this evening, it was comforting just to hold each of you. You each are a special conveyance of comfort. Of course Mommy and Daddy love you both. Daddy truly adores and loves each of you beyond words, beyond measure.

Thank you, each, for the needed love, the unconditional love of a child---two beautiful children, two special blessings.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Color Run Saturday

Today was an especially, special Saturday---Mommy and Sister Kelly involved each of you in a charity “color run” in Indianapolis and all of you were up and away before Daddy even got up! Sarah King joined you all as well  :)

By the time Daddy got up for work, you were all on your way on a special adventure in Indianapolis. Daddy later got to witness the remnants of the special race each of you participated in, one where you are doused with color dyes of some kind as you take off on a three mile run!  Bodhi, you were a trooper and only needed carried for a little stretch (only because your brother was requiring Mommy to carry him for much of the race).  Sarah, Sister Kelly, and Mommy believe if you, Jude Man, hadn’t have had color dye thrown in your eyes right at the start, you would have most definitely walked/ran the entire race like your sister.

When you arrived back home, it was evident you all had been tie-dyed that was for sure! You each shared your story of quite an adventure, and of course Mommy’s version of the story was far more dramatic and accurate :)---seems like two young runners required quite a bit of Mommy special support and encouragement. Nonetheless, it made for a special day and a special time with Mommy, Sister Kelly, and your new special friend, Sarah.

Bath time was a special adventure in itself…another color event to end your colorful day :)

Sister Kelly and Sarah, way too happy to be so early in the morning :)-

Gearing up :)

Before the Color Run :)

Team "Color Me Badass!"

Grand Finale! :)

Bodhi, you had a couple non-race related/super tired meltdowns, but the pictures are deceiving because you bro was the whinny one, and you for the most part were the go-getter happy one :)

Green kisses! :)  Mommy's favorite color of kisses!

Four days later and our hair still has green in it ha/ha!

Friday, July 19, 2013

A F$@#ing Friday!!!

Someday the two of you will need come to terms with the fact that your Daddy was more than capable of dropping a few f-bombs when occasion seemed fitting. And today was such a fitting occasion.

Daddy has had some serious dental issues to contend with recently (frankly for all his lifeL), and today he had a scheduled consultation with an oral surgeon—the consequence of that consultation was news that Daddy needed to come up with $4400.00 in the coming weeks to cover a needed oral surgery!

Daddy has never been one to sugar coat the propaganda we sometimes embrace in our culture, perhaps all cultures, that defy the reality of life for the average person, and this particular health crisis and some related ones recently, have brought Daddy to a near rage over the class inequities in our society for health care needs of its citizens---and this in an acknowledged context that Mommy and Daddy have it far better than most folks!

Oh well, Daddy will avoid the literal employment of the f-word/f-bomb in attempting to spare the two of you grown-up business, though of course Daddy understands that someday when the two of you have time and inclination to take a stroll along your Mellow Brick Road, you will presumptively be old enough to better comprehend why on occasions Daddy was not very goddamn mellow.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday Thursday

Mommy scheduled a long day in Lafayette today, which means you two get to enjoy some extra time with GiGi and Gi-Pa.  You two arrived at GiGi's and Gi-Pa's at 10:30 a.m. with plans to play in the water :)  You both enjoyed a day outdoors, with plenty of  "lovin's," hugs and kisses and extra spoils from GiGi :)  Both Mommy and Daddy spent our Thursday working.  Though Mommy must admit, I have the greatest career in the world;  I spent my day supervising a visit by a pool :)  I did wish we were spending our day together by a pool, but what a way to earn a living.  :)  Daddy didn't have as much fun, he spent his day indoors worrying about upcoming health proceedures and trying to catch up on his classes.  Daddy too loves his profession, teaching, but would be much happier without all the additional responsibilities of being a program chair :(  Anyway, we all reunited by evening; taking care of our critters and settling in for the night :)  Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pool Day

Mommy had an hour appointment this morning; observing a visit.  Mommy got up just as a plumber was arriving.  Daddy had arranged to have our outside faucet fixed so it didn't ruin our house's foundation. Unfortunately for Mommy, there was no running water for Mommy to take a shower.  ARrrrrghhh Daddio!  Daddy could have warned Mommy.  So, stinky Mommy headed to a visit with greasy hair and smelly pits ha/ha  While at work, Mommy received a text message from Aunt Dianna, asking if we wanted to go to the pool.  You two have been begging Mommy to go and though Mommy had evening plans to attend a co-worker/friend's surprise 30th birthday party in Lafayette, Mommy couldn't refuse you two or Aunt Dianna.  After all, it was HOT HOT HOT!    

Once Mommy returned home from a quick appointment, Mommy got you two dressed and Daddy fed you two lunch.  We then headed to the pool.  Mommy first dropped by Grandmoo's; she insisted that we use her passes from your guy's last pool attempt.  Then we were off for some fun in the sun.  We swam all day.  Daddy stopped by the pool to check on us (he doesn't trust Mommy with you two at the pool since our last pool "incident" in Frenchlick ha/ha!  Daddy also checked to see if he could get Mommy's phone.  Daddy spent the day purchasing Mommy a new iphone 5 with plans to give Grandmoo Mommy's old iphone.  

After swimming all day and enjoying each other's company, we headed home.  Mommy had plans to get us all cleaned up to go to Carrie's birthday party, but that wasn't about to happen.  Daddy had to work his evening job, and you two passed out immediately upon arrival.  You two down right refused to awaken to make our trip to Lafayette.  Mommy finally gave in and passed out as well.  We slept the evening away and though it was only 6pm, you two slept through the night.  

We had a fantastic day.  I hope Carrie had a great day as well.  Bodhi, you are getting so brave and doing so well in the water.  Buddha, I don't know what is up with you?  You attach yourself to Mommy and DO NOT let go  under any circumstances!

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Our Tuesday started off with toast and cereal, followed by cantaloupe... yep, you two awakened hungry :)  We did our usual morning chores;  caring for our kittens, taking care of our hound dogs, and cleaning up after our morning messes.  Grandmoo stopped by to see you two and find out what you two wanted for dinner.  You guys are going to Grandmoo's house this evening for a couple of hours while Mommy works here in Kokomo.  You two insisted that Grandmoo play with the two of you, so Mommy ran to the post office and then returned to discover that you two let Dora out...she is scared to death of everything and appears to really enjoy being indoors; however she still insists on going outside, ugggh!  

Grandmoo left, with promises of a fun evening, and you two came inside for lunch and an afternoon nap.  Well, naps didn't go over, of course, so we played instead.  Mommy managed to play and organize some files :)  It was then shower time for Mommy and you two always hang out in the bathroom, allowing for zero privacy ha/ha  Mommy is certainly used to having no privacy by now!  Jude, you always say, "towel Mommy, from top of the pile Mommy?"  Then you hand me a towel.  Bodhi, you hand Mommy my robe and always ask to brush my's our normal shower routine.  Now that you two are a little older, it would be nice if you two would go play while Mommy got cleaned up....however, you two do not stray away from our routine.  Having you two in the bathroom was originally Mommy's arrangement to keep you two from terrorizing the house and escaping into the it's "our thing."  Jude, you've learned things beyond your years; like coupons aka tampons ha/ha!  

After shower time, we were off to Grandmoo's.  Mommy spent the evening taking a client to her special olympics softball practice, followed by a case management session.  It was the first time in 14 years that Mommy had returned to the Kokomo High School softball field.  The awesome memories came flooding back, and I couldn't help but selfishly hope that you, Ms. Bodhi, and you Mr. Buddha catch the softball/baseball bug!

You two played at Grandmoo's and enjoyed your evening.  Daddy picked you up since Mommy was still working.  By the time I made it home, you both were excitedly awaiting Mommy's arrival.  Daddy has you two spoiled with slumber parties on the floor of Daddy's office.  Mommy had you both in the perfect night time routine, but Daddy ruined it.  So, tonight Mommy had battle Daddy's spoils since he had to work in his office, and get you two to settle in your beds.  Needless to say, you both ended up in bed with Mommy!  

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

Bodhi girl at Grandmoo's

Buddha passed OUT!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Gymnast Bodhi

We were up at em' early.  Bodhi, you always make Monday mornings more enjoyable with all your excitement for gymnastics class :)  You can hardly contain your excitement even when you are tired and can hardly keep your eyes open.  You rocked your gymnastics class as usual.  You were awesome, following directions, doing your routines perfectly, and just being your adorable self.  Buddha stayed home with Daddy this morning...boys decided to sleep in.  Buddha awakened just as we were leaving and through a fit, however Daddy was able to contain him and keep him content.  Mommy had no time to get him dressed.  Mommy did manage to capture some adorable pictures of you during your routines :)  Afterwards, we ran some errands; going to the post office, and running here and there.  We then returned home where you and your brother were reunited :)  You both decided you wanted to play outside, so outside we went.  It was HOT as heck, so you two didn't last long, but you got some good swing/slide/kitten time in before heading inside for lunch.  

After playing inside for a bit, we attempted naps, and then spent the remainder of the day indoors.  Mommy had bills to pay and work to complete.  You two are getting good at playing together in your room (next to Mommy's) when Mommy has work to do :)  Not yet perfect ha/ha but improving :)  Mommy took you to Aunt Dianna's so I could make a case management appointment with a client, she no-showed Mommy, so Mommy returned home to work on scheduling.  I was hopeful that I would get my parenting assessment finished, but that didn't happen.  However, getting scheduling done was a blessing and a huge relief!  Thank you Aunt Dianna!  You two painted pictures and had fun spending time with your Rudd pals :)

For dinner, Mommy took you two to McDonalds.  You both played in the play area while Mommy worked on my parenting assessment.  It worked out nicely.  You two stayed up past your bedtime playing in the play area, and Mommy completed her work!  :)  Yay for McDonalds! Now only if their food tasted better and was healthier :)  

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!  

You love your gymnastics :)

Working hard!

Now do it again, this time your belly in the air (you got a little confused on this new move ha/ha).  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Birthday Party Sunday Sister Kelly

Though her birthday was Wednesday, Mommy organized around all of our work schedules to plan a birthday party for today for Sister Kelly. You, Ms. Bodhi, and Mommy were going to make her a lemon cake for her birthday but we discovered this morning we didn’t have eggs for the recipeL.

So, after our morning routine of Sunday newspaper reading and news program viewing, and breakfast for babiesJ, Daddy made a run to Marsh and ordered a “Happy Birthday Sister Kelly” birthday cake (chocolate cake with vanilla icing [and balloon motif :) and vanilla ice cream and some condiments for our cookout, and then hurried home to help prepare for our party.

Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron came over and Mommy and the two of you, Ms. Bodhi and Mister Buddha, accompanied by the birthday girl Sister Kelly, all went to an antique store to scope something out (Mommy returned with a Cat in the Hat Christmas tree---don’t ask :). Meanwhile Daddy cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill for our birthday dinner.

No one else joined us, and Daddy felt sort of sad about that, but Sister Kelly seemed to enjoy our dinner and celebration cake and ice cream and her gifts for her birthday celebration---she also had other birthday treats from Aaron’s family, so Daddy reconciled his sense of disappointment for her. Sean Franky was out of town and Grandmoo was still recovering.  After our birthday celebration, and seeing Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron off, we all settled in for the evening. It seemed like a very exhausting day, at least to Daddy, who admittedly has been suffering unusually high anxiety recentlyL.

Frankly, Daddy is at a loss to understand his feeling so down, when it is so obvious how blessed we are as a loving family---and a good life! Daddy thinks it is some health issues haunting Daddy both physically and emotionally, but Daddy will make a comeback.

All-in-all, we enjoyed a day of love, celebrating Sister Kelly’s birthday and sharing the blessing of our close family. Happy birthday, Sister Kelly, we love you—to the moon and back. And over the rainbow.

Your baby brother and sister want to spend the night with youJ!

Beautiful Sister Kelly's first 29th birthday :)

Brother Aaron :)

Bodhi, you and Mommy had plans to make Sister Kelly a Hello Kitty cake, but unfortunately we ran out of time :(  Daddy picked out this cake in it's place!

Daddy's Girls! :)

Sister Kelly had you make a wish with her Bodhi :)

Jude man super excited about CAKE!

After birthday dress-up with the "Girls!" :)

Jude Liam aka Judy 

Princess Emilia Bodhi :)

Sister Kelly :)  Happy Birthday!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Nearly Totally Daddy Saturday

Wow, what a daddy and daughter and son Saturday! A common beginning with Daddy up early and off to his Saturday morning job, but then…zoom, zoomJ.

Mommy had to be in Lafayette working all day, so when Daddy returned home from work we three (Bodhi, Buddha, and Big DaddyJ) were off in the carriage to the Farmer’s Market, where we were greeted by the regulars, purchased a cookie and biscuit and gravy from our Amish friends, and obtained a yellow and a blue animal balloon form Bonkers the Clown. We sat in the shade and Daddy fed the two of you your biscuit and gravy breakfast. Afterwards, we “strolled” (Daddy actually “strolled” and the two of you “carriage”J) around downtown for an extended walk. Bodhi, you fell asleep, so we headed home and settled in for an afternoon nap.

Late afternoon, we all spent time playing outside in our back yard, and by dinner time Daddy offered a McDonald’s play area dinnerJ. We enjoyed our happy meals, then literally the two of you spent two hours playing in the inside play area---it is so fascinating watching the two of you, you are such a young loner, Jude Liam, occasionally playing with your sister, but otherwise keeping mostly to yourself; and you, Emilia Bodhi, are such a social, outgoing young lady, introducing yourself to each and every child you meet and asking each if s/he wants to play with youJ. You both are doll-babies, and Daddy literally is so joy-filled in recognizing our blessings!

Daddy contacted Mommy and learned she was approximately thirty minutes from home, so she agreed to meet us at McDonald’s. Daddy wishes he would have thought to bring the Nikon and would have been able to capture the look on the faces of each of you when Mommy showed up! Mommy enjoyed a dinner Daddy purchased for her, then we all enjoyed an ice cream dessert—we concluded a nearly totally Daddy Saturday with smiles on our faces outlined in ice creamJ.  Mommy allowed you two to stay and play while Daddy headed home. 

When we made our way home, you three (Bodhi, Buddha, and Big DaddyJ) decided you hadn’t had enough so you decided on a slumber party in our study. It was a special day for Daddy, and Daddy hopes there will be a memory recorded in the hearts and minds of each of you about how special such days as these are!!!

Love, love, love. “Night, night.”

PS Mommy enjoyed an evening with great friends; Laura Stiner, Dianna Rudd, and Samara Sears at Dianna's home this evening after you two retired to bed with Daddy :)

Friday, July 12, 2013


So, Mommy discovered that your guy's version of "Pool Party" yesterday was a little off ha/ha.  So here is the revised version... First, Grandmoo's hip went out, but she managed to pull you two in a wagon. You guys were on your way to the park, when you two decided that you would sucker Grandmoo into taking you to the pool.  So, Grandmoo pulled you all they way back to her house where you all got your suits put on and supplies packed.  It wasn't ten minutes after you guys arrived that the pool was evacuated.  According to Grandmoo, you, Jude, were not the pool pooper :) YAY!  Grandmoo was so flustered having to entertain you two (with her hip out of whack) for the duration of the pool cleaning. Grandmoo decided that after swimming in the "public toilet" you all were going to leave and head to the park.  Grandmoo says she spoke with a pool manager and they gave her three pool passes for a future date.  Ha/ha, Mommy can only imagine how that conversation went down...I'm certain you two were giggling when Grandmoo referred to the pool as the public toilet :)-

Anyway, Grandmoo managed to get you two home and then you had park time.  Needless to say, Grandmoo is still recovering :(

Anyway, today, you two went to GiGi's for the day.  You two played your little hearts out until Daddy arrived to take you both home.  Mommy arrived home from work in Lafayette, finished up some work, and then headed to bed.  It's been a long week.  Mommy is just happy that you, Jude man, are not the pool pooper!  

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday Pool Party

Today was an absolutely beautiful sunny day.  Grandmoo and GiGi surprised you both with a trip to the public pool...Kokomo Beach.  You two were such troopers while Momma and Dianna painted yesterday, GiGi and Grandmoo thought they would treat you two to a pool day since you didn't get to go yesterday :)  You two couldn't have been happier.  

Mommy drove to Lafayette for a long day at work, but Momma's drive was amazing.  Mommy had the windows and sunroof open, radio blaring, it was such a nice drive :)  You two spent the entire day swimming, and well Buddha, when Mommy arrived home from work, you and your sister were laying down but you insisted on staying awake to see Momma.  Jude you told Mommy all about your day even reporting that someone pooped in the pool.  Mommy thought oh no!!!  This is your second trip to the pool and the second time it's had to close down for 30 minutes to clean poop out, ugggggh!  You said you didn't do it, but Mommy didn't know whether to believe you or not ha/ha!    

Later I saw a FB post that there was a 30 minute delay for poo clean-up and I about died.  It was in fact true, now if only I could have seen the poo so I could identify if it was yours or not ha/ha!  You are completely potty trained, and you down right refuse to wear a swim diaper.  You've not had any accident, so I don't know.  It's awful suspicious that the pool has to close down both times you go swimming :)-  This will have to be further investigated.  

You two had a great big day thanks to GiGi and Grandmoo :)

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Change In Plans

Happy Birthday Sista Kelly!  See you Sunday! :)

Wow, this week is all about so-called "life lessons," hee/hee!  We all awakened super excited to go to the pool.  Aunt Dianna and her clan were planning on going with us too.  Mommy knew it would be bad news when I heard thunder :(  We were all in our suits and all packed to leave.  Mommy sent Aunt Dianna a text, and then the rain came pouring down a few minutes later.  You two were so...well, pissed!  Aunt Dianna and Mommy were going back and forth about what we were going to do since swimming (unless in the rain) was no longer an option.  We talked about the zoo, but ultimately, Mommy talked Dianna into finishing her downstairs paint jobs. Mommy and Dianna had been putting off her living room for a good six months (since we took down her dining room wallpaper and painted).  SO, it was decided... today we would paint. 

Bodhi & Jude, you two handled the change of plans (from swimming and fun in the sun to rainy day outside/painting inside) very well I must say!  You both were excited for a playdate with Dakota, Nathan, Norah, and Rowan :)  Mommy and Dianna got busy, while you all started playing!  It wasn't long before we lost power (which means no light and no central air).  It was so gloomy outside, there wasn't much light coming inside :(  We managed to paint, and sweat and sweat and sweat...but proudly, we got it all done :)  Aunt Dianna bought us dinner, and then Mommy bought everyone ice cream :)  You two were surprisingly tuckered by the time we made it home. Bodhi, you fell asleep in the car.  Jude man, you managed to stay awake.  We were all sooooo dirty... Mommy had to give us all a bath, and then it was bedtime (for all of us).  Daddy had the entire day to himself (so hopefully he caught up on some sleep).  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

To-Do Tuesday

With all of our summer fun activities, outside gardening/yard responsibilities, our new critter family members, and Momma's increased workload, it has left little time for house cleaning and organizing this past week.  Today, well Tuesday, was Mommy's designated day to clean (and have our carpets cleaned) as well as, attempt some household organizational projects. You may be wondering why we are having our carpets cleaned when we just had them done a couple months back...well, let Mommy tell you!!!  REASON #1- You two!!  REASON #2- Your father!!!  REASON #3- Allie and Arlo!!! REASON #4- some of the stains that had disappeared, reappeared.  I'm told after further investigating...carpet stains can disappear and reappear after a couple of weeks, that it takes a special cleaner to keep stains from returning, ugggh!  Anyway, Mommy is super excited to have clean carpets up our stairs and down our hallway, as well as our dining room and living room rugs, YAY!  It doesn't take much to excite Momma hee/hee :)  Anyway, Mommy also had a ton of work-work to get done as well. 

Lets just say, today was not the most exciting day for you two...however, Mommy's job is also teach/show you that we have to sometime do things we don't want to do:)-  Mommy promised that tomorrow would be much more enjoyable...we'd spend a day at the pool (provided it doesn't rain).    

We managed to have some fun and get a lot accomplished :) It was a successful day!  It was a long day for us all! Tomorrow will hopefully be a nice relaxing family day by the pool :)  Sweet dreams sweet sweet babes!  


Monday, July 8, 2013

Sticker Dilemma

Given last Monday's gymnastics performance, Ms. Bodhi, Momma was super excited to see how you did this week.  You are so indescribably precious, Momma LOVES to watch you. However, all that pride and all that excitement melted away at the conclusion of your class this week ha/ha, not really!  You decided since you had done everything "perfect" and followed directions "perfectly," you should have been permitted to pick your sticker out hee/hee.  At the conclusion of each class you guys are instructed to place your hand on top of your head and they stick a sticker on top of your hand.  Well, you didn't get to pick, neither did any of the other participants.  You didn't get a blue butterfly like you wanted, and this upset you big time!  You came into the room where Jude and I were waiting for you, trying to hide your anger, but Mommy recognized it right away.  When Momma asked you what was wrong, you immediately started to cry.  You pointed, and barely managed to get out the words "I'm so mad."  The gymnastics coach asked what was wrong, and I told her that I thought you were upset that you didn't get a particular sticker.  

Mommy then took you guys home.  We tended to our critters and went about our day.  Momma did talk/sing to you; "you don't always get what you want," because I remember so clearly (at about your age) Great Papaw Grills singing those same exact words to me ha/ha!  So, the tradition lives on.  :)-

Mommy was busy preparing for work, when Mommy got a call that the visit Mommy was supposed to supervise was cancelled.  This freed up the remainder of the day.  You two were so upset, you two had planned to go to GiGi for the few hours Momma was at work. GiGi insisted that you two still come over for dinner, so Mommy tried to put you guys down for a nap.  You two did NOT nap, uggggh!  Momma attempted to get work done during so-called "quiet time" and then took you two to GiGi's to eat dinner and visit for a while.  Mommy picked you two up later on, and of course you both reported having a good time.  Neither of you wanted to leave :(  

Mommy took you guys home, gave you a bath, and then put you two baby butts to bed. Sweet dreams sweet sweet babes!  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday After

What a weekend! Bob Dylan concert on Friday, carnival and festival at the park on Saturday, and today---whew, just trying to sleep in and settle downJ.

Daddy made breakfast for all consisting of fried eggs, toast, cocoa wheat, milk and coffee (for grown-upsJ). After our Sunday ritual of watching the morning news shows and reading the Sunday paper (compliments GiGi and GiPaJ), Mommy sent Daddy off on a mission to the mall to take advantage of a candle sale---Daddy discovered the sale ended yesterday but managed to persuade the kind store manager to extend the sale for todayJ. Daddy also picked up some “possibles” at Target, the favorite store of Ms. Bodhi and Mister Buddha.

Mommy took the two of you to Mommy’s favorite store, WalmartJ. The three of you were on some sort of Dora rescue mission, and Daddy thinks you actually went to Meijer (neither Meijer nor Walmart are Mommy’s favorites by the wayJ) so you could find a cat “tree” for Dora and some yogurt for babiesJ. Dora has been unsettled by moving our two kittens, Garfield and Sundae, into the backyard cat house, so now Dora is an indoor cat---mmmmmmm---and Mommy of course is making sure Dora is comfortable in moving into “Walnut House.”

While the three of you were on your shopping adventure, Daddy mowed the yard and began planting some flowers Mommy purchased yesterday. The three of you made it home as Daddy did the yard work, and you brought home a McDonald’s lunch so Daddy took a break. While we were enjoying our lunch in our beautiful back yard, Sean Franky stopped by for a visit and spent some time playing with the two of you special little sister and little brother.

Daddy finished the yard work, Sean headed home to get some chores of his own done, and Mommy played in the backyard with the two of you and Daddy finally made his way into the house to shower and begin his work. Mommy and the two of you groomed the dogs and kittens in the backyard (you two are such great helpers—earlier you both helped daddy water our flowers and butterfly bushes on the side of the houseJ), and finally you all came in to settle for the night.

Ms. Bodhi, you were so exhausted that you fell asleep watching one of your favorite cartoons while sitting in the study as Daddy worked, so Daddy laid out blankets and pillows for a slumber party hoping your younger brother and best friend would soon fall asleep too so Mommy and Daddy could snuggleJ.

Quite a weekend, finally settling in for the night and anticipating busy work schedules this coming week for Mommy and Daddy---Mommy reminded Daddy this weekend how blessed we are, Daddy reminded Mommy he didn’t need reminded. We are, without doubt, blessed beyond measure.

Love, love, love. Night, night!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Haynes-Apperson Festival

Today marked an active day, we all slept in a little as Daddy did not have to work this morning—thank goodness, recovering from our concert outing where a special little girl and boy danced and played throughout the night. We all had a great concert time, and Mommy purchased Sean Francis and Daddy special lawn tickets to attend the Black Sabbath concert on Sunday, August 18th!!!

After getting dressed, we made our way downtown to the Main Street cafĂ© and once again enjoyed a nice breakfast brunch---quiche and biscuits and gravy :). We then spent some time as boy’s time and girl’s time, Daddy and Buddha went home and played in the back yard and did some work around the garage and house while Mommy and Bodhi had their nails done—yes a three year old little girl getting her fingernails and toenails done like her Mommy :).

When Mommy and Ms. Bodhi got done, they came back to the house to pick up Mister Buddha and Daddy and we made our way to Grindstone Charlie’s for an early dinner. Immediately after dinner, we made our way to the area of Foster Park, the new venue for the Haynes-Apperson Festival, where we met up with Grandmoo, GiGi and GiPa :).

We did all the kiddie rides (some of which made Daddy neurotic worrying about the two of you) and then Mommy and Grandmoo took the two of you on two grown-up rides, the giant Ferris wheel and a tilt-a-whirl type ride where we witnessed numerous people get sick, literally! If Daddy was neurotic watching the two of you on the kiddie rides, well you can only imagine---well, no, you cannot possibly imagine until you have children of your own and possibly (though hopefully not) have witnessed, as Daddy has, traumatic injuries to children over the years :(. Daddy is not a fun person to take to the carnival—he mistrusts carnies and he mistrusts giant machines put together by carnies :).

Without a doubt, you both enjoyed your carnival adventure (equaled in your enjoyment by that of your Mommy :), especially surrounded by your adoring family :). It proved an expensive venture, especially when considering the only indulgences besides rides (Mommy and Daddy did have a romantic ride on the Ferris wheel) was a single elephant ear for Mommy and a lemon shake-up for Daddy.

After our long day, we returned to the “Walnut House” and incredibly enjoyed the fire-works displays (a main feature of the festival) from the comfort of Mommy’s and Daddy’s bed---looking out our bedroom window in wonderment :). It was a long, fun-filled day concluding with yet another slumber party with Mommy, Daddy, Bodhi and Buddha sharing cheese and crackers and then “boom, boom, boom” fire-works fading into the night as the Princess and Prince of Indiana fell asleep with wide smiles adorning their beautiful angelic faces :)

“Night, night.”

Happy Bodhi feet :)

Big Girl under the dryer :)

The Transformation :)

Hello Carnival Kitty...look, you match your shirt ha/ha!

Spidey Mommy knows why you insisted on changing your shorts, you wanted to match Spidey Man :)

The two most precious babes in the world!

Oooops, upside down!

Riding with GiGi :)

Riding with Grandmoo :)

Fish ride :)

Jude's getting braver as we keep moving on :)

Bodhi and Sundae pre-festival :)

Bodhi and Garfield after Festival :)

About Me

My photo
We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.